Welcome to Momma Jamma

Welcome to a blog all about babies, children and the wacky world of motherhood. I strive to keep you laughing, informed and up-to-date on all things dealing with being a parent.

Monday, June 20, 2011

PERSONAL: Lord Help Me I'm Bored

After about a decade of working, with about seven to eight of those being in my career of choice--journalism, I gave it up to be a full-time momma. And let me tell you, I'm bored. I love my baby girl, who has just turned one, but being a FT momma can be incredibly, overwhelmingly, boring.

I think it depends on your personality and what you have done in life, what you hope to accomplish and how much stimulation you need in general. Overall I would say I am a very active, very personable and extroverted person who needs a lot of stimulation to stay interested...I could very well be ADD. I know I'm not the only one out there feeling this way either. And being bored and the FT entertainer/educator to an infant/toddler can be....exhausting.

So now we have exhaustion and boredom mixed together and what do you get? That's right, probably a b*tch. Yes, I do very well think I'm becoming a bit of a b*tch to my husband. Why him? Because other than the baby there is really no one else to take it out on. Being a military family most of my friends and all of my family live out of state, so that means he is the lucky winner of this attitude.

I am trying to stay as busy as I can with playgroups, playgrounds, swim lessons and anything and everything else I can imagine to do with her...but I am still pretty freaggin' bored I gotta tell ya. I just wish she'd sleep for three hours a day like most normal one-year-olds so I could get some writing and stuff done around here. Seeing as that doesn't look like her (or my) destiny, I'm open to any and all suggestions on how to survive this stage of motherhood--the boredom stage that is. Thanks!

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